Louisiana Clerks Remote Access Authority
Louisiana Clerks Remote Access Authority (“LCRAA”) was created by the Louisiana Legislature at the request of the Louisiana Clerks of Court Association in 2014. LCRAA is a state entity authorized to design, construct, administer, and maintain a Statewide Portal of records maintained by parish Clerks of Court (“Participants”). The Statewide Portal provides secure remote access by Internet users to records maintained by Participants.
The Statewide Portal debuted on November 9, 2015 with the Land Record (Mortgages and Conveyances) indices of 43 Participants allowing users to search records of multiple parishes simultaneously. By January of 2020, LCRAA anticipates Land Record indices of 60 parishes will be available through the Statewide Portal.
Source: La. R.S. 13:754, 11/9/2015